Todo (as soon as possible)
VR Kissing + Facial Expression
6. Flinching motion for Full Featured Girls (fully updated)
Though I cannot update slapping on all girls, I can add this to the Full Featured Girls.
Before this, [back, back bended, hogtied, roped sit] poses didn’t have any reactions to bubble shooting. I’m adding a little repeating flinching motion to every posture.
Not as good as having reactions by every limb, but much better than no reaction at all.
5. Slapping Feature (on Leifang Bikinis)
Feature is complete now. Demo Video
I’m afraid that I cannot update this on all full featured girls. This feature must stay on select girls. I overdid too much. The workload will kill me if I update this on all the full featured girls ????????
I can probably add this to Sophitia Bikinis, at least.
4. Found an absurd bug in Two hand control (fully updated)
Shit, why I didn’t notice this so far. I’m sure most of two-hand VR users did notice that when you try to grab the boobs from the front, the control sometimes gets stuck. Like this (hands stuck when in 90+ angle)
So far I thought this was the precision symptom of the collision, and natural. But it was not. It was a stupid bug on the program.
Programmers sometimes do that ???? Usually in a large company, QA teams would point this out, but small teams skip small details like this more often than desirable.
This needs a full update on all VR contents.
Full update was overdue, anyway. I haven’t fully patched the sound volume problem yet.
3. Testing sound volume problem (fully updated)
Recently I’ve found out that all sound effects of Standing Girl are too loud (sound cracks very often)
And VR Comic’s sounds are too low to hear on Oculus Quest, it’s quite okay on iPad or smartphones, but it’s like that on Oculus Quest. I’ll see what I can do about it.
*VR new option

This is the in-game option menu. Sound Boost 2.0x is what you were hearing. Sound Boost 1.0x is the default now. If you want more loudness, adjust this option. This option is saved.
(Sophitia, VR comics have this option now. Others will have it soon)
2. One little feature change (fully updated)

If you’ve seen this series enough, you’ll know the “Other Pose” and “Special Pose” Buttons. Very absurd name for it, but I didn’t know how to fix it yet (I’ve been constantly hearing what is “Special”????)
I’m experimenting this on Sophitia, and if it goes well, I’ll apply this to all girls.
“Sexual Pose” – This works as the name suggests. Plain jumping is also sexual pose because it’s meant for adjusting boob physics
“Posture” – Poses that character stands still and react are moved here
“Other Pose” is removed. Not deemed useful
Some of the special poses are moved to “Posture”. So there could be some confusions, but no biggie, you all will know even without this description
1. WebVR 1.1 to WebXR API change (fully updated)
Users don’t need to read this lengthy update descriptions (my English isn’t the best, either) This is only for hardware manics or fellow game developers.
At this moment, this update is only beneficial for Cardboard and Google Daydream users. Of course, Oculus users(most of us) also have the stability that VR game series won’t suddenly go dead
These test versions are only accessible here. You can help by testing those links on your devices, and tell me if they launch okay.
I’m not seeing any problem with all my test devices. So I think it will be updated in full in 2-3 days. (I have Oculus Go, Quest, GearVR, Cardboard, Google Daydream, Oculus Rift S,Windows Mixed in my hand)
If you run those test versions, you see the slightly changed start screen

The program will usually guess the type of your headset correct, but if it doesn’t, we choose manually. Setting “Others” will have no problem. But, to use Breast Expansion by button, we have to set Oculus Rift or Windows MR correctly
Resolution Boost is changed to a more user friendly form. But one shortcoming there is that, we cannot set the exact resolution of the device. It’s not a big deal considering that VR uses magnifying lenses, but some of us hardware maniacs (including me) won’t like this ????
One thing fundamentally different this time is “Controller Calibration”

The game asks you to hold the controller in the front direction and click the trigger button once.
The reason for this hassle is that, after I moved to the new WebXR API, hand angle was not reported as I wanted. So I had to made up this calibration process. This was the most difficult job of this work phase, took up 2 days????
I’ll explain the cause here, for some of you hardware maniacs or fellow developers ????

It wasn’t like this in the old WebVR 1.1 API. Oculus can change back to the old (correct) way any time. If so, the angle will be broken again????????. It really sucks, but all open platforms (web,android) are like this. This time I’m prepared to an extent, because users can calibrate again anytime.